The idea is as brilliant as it is simple, no access to the bolts means no way to remove the wheel - without serious damage to the rim.

rimgard wheel lock

Rimgard is mounted onto the wheel, metal against metal, and expands inside the center of the rim with its patented locking mechanism. Turn the key, reinsert the original center cap and roll away. Keep your keys safe, you will need them when it's time for new tires. 

Highly resistant aluminum alloy 6082

The Rimgard® lock is made from aluminum alloy 6082. The 6082 alloy does not contain any heavy metals and when tampered with, it does not break but becomes tough and resistant. This makes the Rimgard lock very tough to saw or drill through nor break for mechanical force or impact.

Developed, tested and recommended

Rimgard has undergone extensive testing, both by us and by third parties. After some of the external testing engineers had finished their theft tests they came to state that the Rimgard is 'unbreakable'. The locking cylinder from ASSA Abloy is a high security lock with extreme resistance to manipulation and picking. 

The Research Institute of Sweden, RISE, as well as TÜV Austria, have both tested that our product complies with their highest possible security levels respectively.

From the get-go, Rimgard® has worked in close collaboration with numerous insurance companies and other prominent companies and institutions within the car, security and testing industries such as Assa Abloy, RISE, Thatcham Research, and TÜV Austria. 

Rimgard® is also officially recommended by the insurance companies Volvia, If, Mercedes-Benz Försäkring, BMW Originalförsäkring, Porsche Försäkringar, Audi Försäkring, and Dina Försäkringar.