Worth Reading

Video - Rimgard stopping the thieves!
A common procedure among wheel thieves is to pay a return visit to the car from which they have recently stolen a set of wheels. It does make sense, where...

Six ways to tell the Factory OEM 19" Honda Accord sports wheel from a replica wheel
Rimgard wheel locks are compatible with Honda OEM wheels. OEM stands for “Original Equipment Manufacturer". OEM parts are the original parts produced directly by the car make, in this case Honda. Why is this important to...

Product review by Ifti's Tech Corner
Another one of our customers, Ifti Bashir, has reviewed our wheel locks. Have a look to see what his honest opinion of Rimgard is.

Frakking Creations review
A really nice review by Frakking Creations, explaining Rimgard in a way we could not have done better ourselves.

Wheel thefts around the world
There is an abundance of wheel theft articles available in the media, and it is hard to keep track of even a fraction of them. That is, even for us wheel theft...

Top Anti-Theft Car Accessories to Keep Your Wheels & Car Safe in 2020
Having just entered a new decade, it seems fitting to have a look at the future of vehicle technology. We list the theft preventive must-haves of 2020.